Ibrahim A. Badran Charitable Foundation

About Us

Our Story

Continuing the Legacy: The Inspiring Story of Ibrahim A. Badran Foundation

Ibrahim A. Badran Charitable Foundation (IBF) was born out of love, loss, and a deep sense of commitment to Dr. Ibrahim’s legacy of providing quality healthcare to the less fortunate. His selflessness and compassion for the less fortunate inspired us to carry on his work with the same love and dedication he showed in his life.

Every day, we strive to make a difference in the lives of those in need, providing them with access to quality healthcare. We believe healthcare is a basic human right, and we’re dedicated to making it accessible to all.

We’re honored to carry on his legacy and make a difference in the world, one patient at a time.

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About Us

Empowering Underprivileged Families in Egypt with Quality Healthcare

IBF was established as a non-profit organization in 2014, to provide primary quality healthcare to those who are unable to afford or reach it, by organizing medical convoys and operating fixed satellite clinics in the most underprivileged remote areas across Egypt. The foundation is registered under the Egyptian Ministry of Social Solidarity with the number 775/2016. 

Our fixed Satellite Clinics and Mobile Health Clinics are equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment and staffed by a highly trained medical team and passionate volunteers, who are dedicated to providing top-quality healthcare services to underprivileged families across Egypt.

Satellite Clinics

Through our operating model, IBF have been able to expand our reach to remote areas to serve our community by providing a sustainable medical care service with a fixed presence, increasing its reach to remote location. Our clinics are equipped with Telemedicine, allowing us to connect with medical specialists in Cairo and cover a broader range of medical specialties. This technology brings the convenience and accessibility of a local clinic, combined with the expertise and resources of a larger medical center.

But we don’t stop there. At IBF, we are committed to building sustainable medical care services and developing local talents. That’s why all of our satellite clinic teams are residents of the governorates we serve, including the operation team, medical team, and volunteers, and they carry with them a passion for serving their communities.

We are proud to say that our successful model is fully operational in Fayoum, Beni Suef, and Aswan – and we are just getting started!

Medical Convoys

With over 600 medical convoys conducted, we have served more than 420,000 patients across 150 villages in 16 different governorates in Egypt. Our medical convoys cover 15 different medical specialities, ensuring that patients receive comprehensive care. Our medical convoys are divided into monthly 2-day convoys, weekly 1-day convoys, and specialized convoys.

Join us in our mission to provide quality healthcare services to all, regardless of their circumstances. Together, we can make a difference in the world and improve the lives of those around us.


Provide proper quality healthcare to those who cannot afford or reach it, in governorates all across Egypt.


Deliver quality healthcare through our medical convoys, as well as our fixed and mobile clinics, with a working model that keeps pace with the development of modern technologies while preserving patients’ privacy and dignity.


Bridging the gap between proper healthcare and underprivileged patients by expanding and diversifying the provision of medical convoys, as well as our fixed and mobile clinics, developing these services and working towards their sustainability.

Core Values

Building a Sustainable Future in Healthcare

We are committed to doing what is right, regardless of circumstances, challenges, viewpoints, or personal interests. We are committed to working in accordance with the foundation’s high ethical standards.

We believe in leveraging the collective efforts of our team to achieve our foundation’s noble goals more effectively. We believe in the power of cooperation, collaboration, and communication to build a strong and united team that can make a difference in the lives of underprivileged families.

We value diversity, including different perspectives, mindsets, and cultures. Despite these differences, we commit to communicating respectfully and ethically. We encourage friendly, open, and constructive dialogue.

We strive to achieve our strategically planned goals with precision, timeliness, and in alignment with our foundation’s approach to community development and team building.

We adopt consistent high-quality standards to execute our mission, always maintaining an optimal use of resources to ensure the sustainability of our foundation’s operations. 

Our Team

A Force for Good: United by Passion and Expertise for Meaningful Impact

At IBF, we are more than just a healthcare organization – we are a community of passionate individuals committed to making a difference in the world. From our dedicated medical staff to our non-medical volunteers and full-time professionals, we work tirelessly to bring healthcare services to underprivileged communities across Egypt.

Our culture is centered on diversity, inclusion, and empowerment. We believe that everyone deserves equal opportunities, and we strive to maintain a level of excellence in everything we do. Whether we are serving thousands of patients across different governorates or expanding our reach with new projects, we take pride in creating remarkable achievements and experiences for those we serve.

Join us in our mission to make a positive impact in the world. Together, we can create a better future for all.

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IBF Team

Satellite Clinic

Meet Our Board of Directors

The Visionary Individuals Guiding IBF's Mission towards Positive Change

Meet Our Board of Trustees

The Guardians of IBF's Legacy

Our Achievements

Let the Numbers Tell the Tale of Our Success!

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Examined Patients
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Medical Convoys
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Clinic Days
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Medical Teams
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